5300 Patterson
5300 Patterson Avenue
Grand Rapids, Michigan

About this listing
142,773 SF office building that is comprised of two floors that was completed in 1989. The Property was originally built as a corporate headquarters, but then redeveloped into a Class A office building in 2014. The Property boasts robust infrastructure including full-building generator backup and redundant fiber feeds allowing for mission-critical, 24/7 operations. The roof is less than five years old and most major building systems have been replaced. In addition, the property is located two miles from the Gerald R. Ford International Airport and has easy access to numerous highways and major transportation corridors including Routes 131 and 96. On-site amenities include a full-service café, a fitness center with a full locker room, and both a high-end atrium and outdoor seating. The Property is considered a top-tier building in the submarket for prospective institutional tenants and has demonstrated strong leasing momentum since its redevelopment in 2014.
5300 Patterson
5300 Patterson Avenue
Grand Rapids, Michigan